MycoWorks Connected Model

We partnered with Joshua Corn of DoubleTake Labs to deliver an iOS - Arduino connected experience as part of MycoWorks Freedom of Creation, an immersive exhibit that took place in Chelsea (NYC) in March 2022.
Xavier Gallego Moya | MycoWorks
Creative Direction
Cheryln Quan Read | MycoWorks
Art Direction & Design
Mette Qvistgaard | MycoWorks
Lisa Gemmiti | Gemmiti Model Art
Model Art
Joshua Corn | DoubleTake Labs
Hardware Development & Connected Experience Design & Development
Oscar de la Hera Gomez | delasign
iOS Development & Connected Experience Design & Development
Video Production
3D Technology Video
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MycoWorks Freedom of Creation
In November 2021, MycoWorks reached out to us to see how we could help them create an interactive experience that could help tell the story of their technology.
As part of this pursuit, we worked closely with Cheryln Read of MycoWorks to co-create the connected experience and, in order to guarantee the delivery of hardware that would last forever, we partnered with Joshua Corn of DoubleTake Labs who worked closely with Lisa Gemmiti of Gemmiti Model Art to design, create & implement the technology into the model.
The model was used to present their technology to influencers and the media in March 2022 as part of MycoWorks Freedom of Creation, an immersive exhibit offering complete access to their material, technology and the incredible story behind them.
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