How to create a local StoreKit Subscription in XCode

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents StoreKit next to one that represents XCode. Beneath it sits the text "Local Subscription."

A step by step guide on creating auto-renewable or non-renewing Subscriptions in a local StoreKit configuration file in XCode.

Step One: Select the StoreKit Configuration File

A screenshot of Xcode showing a StoreKit Configuration File with a Consumable In-App Purchase and Non-Consumable In-App Purchase.

Select the local StoreKit configuration file.

If you have yet to create one, follow the tutorial below.

Additionally, if you would like to learn to create local In-App Purchases, follow the tutorial below.

Step Two: Add the Subscription

A screenshot of XCode showing a StoreKit file. Highlighted on the bottom right is the + icon, which when clicked opens up a menu that's also visible. On this menu we have highlighted the last two items, which are "Add Non-Renewing Subscription" and "Add Auto-Renewable Subscription." Click either of these to create the respective subscription.

Click the + icon at the bottom left of the local StoreKit Configuration File.

In the menu that appears, click on Add Non-Renewing Subscription or Add Auto-Renewing Subscription.

Step Three: Fill in the Details

A screenshot of Xcode showing an Auto-Renewable Subscription in a StoreKit Configuration File with the details at the top filled in.

Please note that if you choose a non-renewing subscription, you will not have to create a Subscription group.

A | Create or Add to Subscription Group

A screenshot of the modal that appears when you create an auto-renewable subscription for the first time. Highlighted is the input where you must name the Subscription Group that will be created. Additionally, we have highlighted the Done button on the bottom right.

If a subscription group already exists, you can add to it. Else, create a new one.

A subscription group allows users to select different content offerings. Users can only subscribe to one subscription within a group at a time, but can change subscriptions within the group as often as they like.

If you want to give users the ability to buy multiple subscriptions that are billed separately, you can put them in different groups.

B | Fill in the details

A screenshot of XCode showing a new non-renewing subscription in a StoreKit Configuration File. We have highlighted the details that must be filled in at the top.

At the top of the Subscription, under Non-Renewing Subscription or Auto-Renewing Subscription, fill in the details:

  • Reference Name
  • Product Id (Must be Unique)
  • Price
A screenshot of XCode showing a new auto-renewable subscription in a StoreKit Configuration File. We have highlighted the details that must be filled in at the top.

Additionally, as demonstrated above, Auto-Renewable Subscriptions must also set:

  • Subscription Duration

Auto-Renewable Subscriptions also have the following optional parameters:

  • Family Sharing (i.e. Apple Family Plan)
  • Offers (i.e. Introductory Offers, Offer Codes, Promotional Offers)

Step Four: Add Localizations

A screenshot of Xcode of an Auto Renewable Subscription in a Store Kit Configuration File with the details discussed in this tutorial filled in.

Please note that this is the information that users see when they manage their in-app purchases.

In the Localizations section of the local Subscription

A | Double click English (U.S.)

A screenshot of XCode showing an Auto-Renewable Subscription in a StoreKit Configuration File. We have highlighted the "English (U.S)" bar at the bottom under Localizations that must be clicked to configure the localizations.

Double click the English (U.S.) localizations bar to bring up the modal that allows you to input the localizations.

B | Configure Localization

A screenshot of the Configure Localization modal that appears when you double click "English (U.S.)." We have highlighted the Display Name and Description inputs that you must fill in as well as the "Done" button on the bottom right.

Enter the Display Name and Description. Then press Done.

A screenshot of Xcode of an Auto Renewable Subscription in a Store Kit Configuration File with the details discussed in this tutorial filled in.

Sample Auto-Renewable Subscription

A screenshot of Xcode of an Non-Renewing Subscription in a Store Kit Configuration File with the details discussed in this tutorial filled in.

Sample Non-Renewing Subscription

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