What is Backlog Grooming?

The process of continuously prioritizing and updating the body of work required to execute an initiative.
As part of creating a campaign feature, product, service or experience (i.e. an initiative) companies, individuals and teams often create a backlog that details the work in the form of user stories (tasks) and agile user stores (subtasks).
Teams that use Agile Methodologies or Scrum often execute work in time-boxed periods known as Sprints which are planned based on the work that is in the backlog.
However, as the notion of agile is that it is fluid, this backlog must be regularly updated and re-prioritized as the work unfolds to reflect on the current reality of the project and to guarantee that the team achieves the desired business outcomes.
This process often occurs before the Sprint Planning ceremony and is known as Backlog Grooming.
To learn more about our approach to grooming the Backlog, consult the link below.
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