What is Atomic Design ?

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Digital Craft with the text "What is Atomic Design ?" beneath it.

Atomic Design was coined by Brad Frost and refers to a methodology for creating design systems through 5 levels: Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates & Pages.

The following article covers the 5 levels that Brad Frost refers to in Atomic Design, a design systems methodology that was initially created for the web but since then has expanded to any physical or digital design system (i.e. apparel, print, mobile, AR/VR, AI). These five levels are Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates and Pages.

Brad Frost's illustration of the five levels of Atomic Design. The illustration includes 5 icons which are labelled Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates and Pages.

What are Atoms?

The Styleguide from our Price After App. It shows the colors, typography and assets.

The Styleguide for our Price After app.

Atoms are elements that are used across an entire design system. They are the basic building blocks which are applied everywhere. These consist of:

  • Colors
  • Typography
  • Content such as text or images
  • Numerical values like gutter, padding or margin
  • Materials

One could consider them the elements of a Styleguide.

In Figma they are also known as Variables, Tokens or Styles.

What are Molecules?

Our component guide for Farm Tales

The components of our Farm Tales app.

Molecules are the back bone of a design system and use atoms to create distinct, reusable components that serve a purpose - to do one thing, consistently and well.

Examples include:

  • A button
  • A shoe lace
  • A label

What are Organisms?

A screenshot of Figma showing the Components that we use for our Price After mobile app.

The components of our Price After app.

As you can see the dialog makes use of a label and two different types of buttons.

This makes a dialog an organism, as it is a component of components that is driven by content.

Organisms use atoms and molecules to create higher level components.

Organisms can be thought of as combinations of molecules that alter based on the atoms that are applied.

Examples include:

  • A button with a variable title
  • An image with a description
  • The tongue of a shoe

What are Templates/Prefabs?

A screenshot of Nike Dunk Lows by You on NikeID.

A sneaker prefab on NikeID.

Templates make use of molecules and organisms to create layouts in 2D experiences (i.e. print, web or mobile) or prefabs in 3D experiences (i.e. AR, VR or WebGL).

These templates alter their appearance through the use of atoms.

Examples include:

  • A magazine layout
  • A wordpress template
  • A sneaker on NikeID

What are Pages/Scenes ?

A screenshot of the NikeID experience that allows you to customize a sneaker.

The NikeID experience that allows you to alter a sneaker (a prefab).

Pages or screens in 2D experiences (i.e. print, web or mobile) or Scenes in 3D experiences (i.e. AR, VR or WebGL) make use of one or many templates and apply atoms to these templates to provide the final user experience.

Examples include:

  • A website page
  • A mobile app screen
  • The NikeID configurator

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