What is a Video Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Digital Craft with the text “Minimum Viable Product” beneath it.

A video that demonstrates a concept with the purpose of validating a hypothesis and determining if it is valuable to a target audience.

A video MVP is a demonstration of a product, service or experience (i.e.a creation) that enables a company, team or individual to test a hypothesis, determine if a creation brings value to a target audience and find a product-market fit without having to invest precious time and resources or overcome technical hurdles.

This process follows lean methodology, was introduced to me through Eric Ries's The Lean Startup and is useful when a concept is too complex to be prototyped and tested or too expensive to develop without knowing if anyone wants it and is willing to pay for it.

Examples of video MVPs can be found below.


Dropbox initially made a video MVP to validate its value.

Project DAO

Our Founder created the Project DAO concept as part of a class at the MFA Products of Design and demonstrated its potential through a video.

Solace Platform

Solace was initially created as a pop-up experience.

Fast forward to 9.50 to see the video MVP.

After creating Solace, our Founder envisioned it to work as a platform that allows individuals to meditate together.

This required significant investment and technical hurdles so we described it in a video.


When pitching a complicated product that we did not want to fabricate without validating value, we created a video to see if the MoMA would be interest in it for its store.

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