What is a Sprint 0?

A 2-3 week period at the start of a project intended for the team to come together to understand the project and develop a backlog and project skeleton.
At the start of the creation of any product, service or experience (i.e. an initiative) it is fundamental that a team spends a period of time discovering the project and building a backlog of the work to be done.
This Sprint should be kept as lightweight as possible with the intention of boosting productivity, efficiency and gaining an in-depth understanding of what's ahead.
By the end of the Sprint 0 the team should have discovered the initiative, have an in-depth understanding of the work that is ahead and have a project skeleton as well as a backlog filled with epics, user stories and agile user stories that can be used to create the initiative through Scrum.
To learn more about our approach to carrying out a Sprint 0, consult the link below.
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