What is a Full Immersion Style in Spatial Computing?

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents spatial computing with the text "Full Immersion" beneath it.

The term "full immersion" refers to an app or experience that completely immerses a user in a digital world that takes up the entire space around them.

An image that shows how a window can increase in size or take up the entire space. In the event of a small screen it is known as "mixed", a larger one "progressive" and the entire space is known as "full."

Depending on the chosen immersion style for an app, the experience may exist as mixed immersion, progressive immersion or full immersion.

Depending on the immersive level that you wish to have within your app (i.e. experience) you may choose between mixed, progressive or full.

An example of an individual wearing a headset experiencing something that does not exist in the real world.

Full immersive experiences are also known as virtual reality (V/R) experiences, live within the full space and immerse users into an artificial, digital world.

Looking to learn more about how computer graphics (CG) are rendered?

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Looking to learn more about Technology, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality or Spatial Computing?

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