What is a Backlog?

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Project Management with the text “Backlog” beneath it.

A backlog, or product backlog, is a prioritized list of work for the team.

A visual that demonstrates a circular iterative process that goes from define, which is symbolized as a document, to clarify, which is symbolized as a geometric alignment, through creation which is symbolized as a nucleus.

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As part of setting up a team for success companies, individuals, managers and product owners create a backlog of all the work that has to be carried out.

In the case of a project that implements Agile Methodologies or Scrum, this backlog is distributed across epics which are composed of user stories (tasks) and agile user stories (subtasks).

These tasks, or subtasks are created in the form of tickets with the purpose of effectively managing the development of a product, streamlining work and enhancing a team's performance.

It is recommended that the work is carried out through sprints, with tickets being reviewed and selected as part of a sprint planning through a backlog that is regularly groomed before the start of the sprint.

Looking to create a Backlog?

To learn our approach to creating a product backlog, consult the link below.

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Search our blog to find educational content on project management, design, development and strategy.

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