What are Symbols?

Symbols, which are also called Glyphs, are icons that are consolidated as a single font file with a wide range of design variants that allow for animation.
Symbols were introduced by Google in 2018 and Apple in WWDC19 and have since been adapted to be able to be animated using the new Variable Font capabilities.
Looking to use Symbols in Figma ?
To learn how to use SF Symbols and Material Symbols in Figma, follow the tutorials below.
We recommend using Material Symbols as SF Symbols does not yet have an official plugin and would cause a dramatic reduction in the performance of your Figma project.
Looking to produce custom icons ?
Consult our guide linked below to find alternatives to SF Symbols and Material Symbols.
Any Questions?
We are actively looking for feedback on how to improve this resource. Please send us a note to inquiries@delasign.com with any thoughts or feedback you may have.