What are Lead Metrics?

“Lead” metrics are defined as real-time data required to understand what is needed or occurring at any given moment. Examples included below.
Determining and tracking the right metrics are vital for any analytical process and can be broken down into two types: lead metrics and lag metrics.
Lead metrics should be demonstrated on a real-time dashboard and often include:
- Number of page views.
- Number of screen views.
- Names of pages.
- Names of screens.
- Sources (i.e. direct, google or duckduckgo).
- Number of active users.
- Locations of active users.
- Number of members (i.e. logged in).
- Number of non-members (i.e. not logged in).
- User engagement.
- Clicks.
- Scrolls.
- User reached the end of the page.
- User subscribed.
- User unsubscribed.
- Item added to cart.
- Purchase made.
- Contact request.
- Support request.
An example of Google Analytics's real-time dashboard is included below.

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