What are Insights?

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Strategy with the text “Insights” beneath it.

Insight are research-driven, succinctly articulated statements that describe a dilemma, pain point or motivation that is faced by a target audience.

Writing clear and concise insights are a key part of IDEO's human-centered design, design thinking and design research practice and is intended to provide a intimate, unexpected and thoughtful description of a problem, motivation or need that your target audience has.

These insights are considered synthesized products of user research that are used by companies and individuals to write How Might We's or Value Proposition Canvases that produce outcomes that are intentionally focus on the needs of target audiences with the means of producing meaningful outcomes that result in a return on investment.

Learn our approach to writing Insights

To see examples of Insights or to learn how to write them consult the link below.

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