What are Brand Assets?

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Craft with the text "Brand Assets" beneath it.

Recognizable elements that embody a brands identity which range from the physical to the digital and include materials, images, videos, colors, sounds and text.

Brand assets aren't just logos, slogans and taglines. They're a package that contains both combinations of fundamental elements and the fundamental elements themselves, that allow designers and marketers to create products, packaging or advertising that deliver a consistent, unified experience that is instantly recognizable to the target audience.

Brand assets, which are often included in a Styleguide or Brand Book, can include:

  • A Brand Name.
  • A Logo.
  • A Color Palette.
  • Packaging.
  • Slogans.
  • A Tagline.
  • Songs or Sounds.
  • Brand guidelines.
  • Mascots.
  • Typography.
  • Design elements (i.e. Amazon's buy now button).
  • Voice or tone.
  • Videos.

Looking to create a brand or rebrand an existing brand?

Consult the guide below to learn more about what it takes to create a brand or rebrand an existing one.

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