How to create and use environment variables in Typescript & Serverless

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Typescript next to one that represents Serverless. Beneath it sits the text "Environment Variables".

A step by step guide on adding environment variables to a Typescript & Serverless project through its serverless.yml and using them within a function.

The following tutorial makes use of our Typescript & Serverless Starter project and walks you through how to create and use environment variables. To learn more about environment variables in Serverless or how we created the Typescript Serverless starter project please use the links below.

We recommend downloading our Open Source project, checking out the main branch and carrying out the steps outlined below. All relevant changes can be found on the tutorial/environment-variables branch.

git clone

Step One: Add the environment variable

A screenshot of VSCode showing you how to add the Environment Variables to a serverless.yml. Add them indented in an environment parameter that is indented under the provider parameter.

In the serverless.yml under the provider, add an indentation and add a new parameter called environment.

Within the environment parameter, add your environment variables as shown below.

Step Two: Use an environment variable in a function

A screenshot of VSCode showing you how to use an environment variable in a serverless function.

To use an environment variable in a function you must use the following notation, where ENV_NAME is the name of your environment variable declared in your serverless.yaml.


In the sample code below, we have modified the Serverless function found at functions/sample.ts and have used our log system to log the environment variable for the purposes of confirming that our methodology works.

Step Three: Test

A screenshot of Terminal showing the logged environment variable which was coded in the prior step.

In Terminal, invoke your function locally to test that the environment variable registered in the function.

Step Four: Use an environment variable in the serverless.yml

A screenshot of VSCode showing you how to use an environment variable within a serverless.yml. Use it using the markdown provided below.

To use an environment variable in the serverless.yml you must use the following notation, where ENV_NAME is the name of your environment variable declared in your serverless.yaml.


In the sample code below, we have replace the sample with the sample environment variable, to demonstrate that you can use an environment variable to give name to a function.

Step Five: Test

A screenshot of Terminal showing the logged environment variable which was coded in the prior step.

In Terminal, invoke your function locally to test that the environment variable registered in the serverless.yml.

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