How to create a SwiftLint enabled Swift Xcode Project

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Swift next to a Flower that represents Xcode with the text 'SwiftLint Xcode Starter Project' below it.

A step by step tutorial on creating an iOS Xcode project with SwiftLint. Github repository included.

The following step by step tutorial walks you through how to create a SwiftLint enabled Xcode project.

If you are looking for the specific SwiftLint part jump to step six.

Step One: Open Xcode

Xcode by Apple

Using Spotlight or Finder, Open Xcode.

Step Two: Create a new Xcode project

In the modal that appears, select create new Xcode project.

In the window that appears, select Create a new Xcode project.

Step Three: Select iOS App

Select App, under the iOS tab in the menu and press next.

In the pop up that appears, select App under iOS and press Next.

Step Four: Name your project

An image of the modal that appears informing you how to name the project, set the storyboard as the interface as well as how to set the swift language. Finally, we highlighted where to press next.

Next to product name, name your project. In our case we called it Starter Project.

Please note that we use a Storyboard Interface and the Swift Language.

Once ready press Next.

Step Five: Save your project

A screenshot of finder showing you what the save screen looks like for an Xcode project on creation.

In your chosen destination, save your project.

Step Six: Install SwiftLint

A screenshot of terminal telling you to run 'brew install SwiftLint' - the line required to install SwiftLint on a Mac.

Open Terminal and run the following command

brew install SwiftLint

Please note this step assumes that you have HomeBrew installed.

Step Seven: Navigate to Build Phases

A screenshot showing you how to navigate to 'Build Phases' on your Xcode project.

Go back to your project and select Build Phases.

If it is not visible, Select Starter Project with the App Logo from the file inspector, then under Targets select Starter Project and then Build Phases.

Step Eight: Add a new build phase

A screenshot showing you where the '+' is found to add new build phases. Its on the top left under general.

Select '+' under General.

Step Nine: Add a new run script phase

A screenshot showing you the modal that appears, and where to select 'New Run Script Phase'.

From the pop up that appears, select New Run Script Phase.

Step Ten: Open the Run Script tab

A screenshot showing you how to open the 'Run Script' tab under the build phases.

Press the caret next to Run Script to open up the tab.

Step Eleven: Paste in the SwiftLint with autocorrect & format

Our chosen Run Script code.

Under the shell area, paste in the code below. This code will autocorrect and format your swift project on build.

Please note that you must uncomment line 2 for it to work on Apple Silicon.

Step Twelve: Create your swiftlint.yml

A screenshot of our created swiftlt.yml - we created it based on a swift file and renamed it on save.

Create your SwiftLint yaml file under your Starter Project Folder - we created a swift file and on save, named it .swiftlint.yml.

Step Thirteen: Input your configuration

A screenshot of our YAML code

This is the file that dictates your SwiftLint strategy. Ours includes indentation width, explicit self and operater usage whitespace.

For a full list, please visit the SwiftLint repository in the button below.

Verify by making changes and running a build

You should see your project auto update to reflect changes upon building.

Please note that it may not automatically lint your open file every time and you might want to select a separate file when building.

Looking to implement SwiftLint in a pre-commit githook ?

To learn how to implement SwiftLint in a pre-commit githook that's added to the repository on build, carry out the tutorial linked below.

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