How to setup a conversion goal in Google Analytics

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
To setup a conversion goal on Google Analytics, sign in, navigate to the admin page, select goals and complete the flow.

To setup a conversion goal on Google Analytics, sign in, navigate to the admin page, select goals and complete the flow.

Step One: Sign into Google Analytics

Go to Google Analytics and sign in.

Sign into Google Analytics

Step Two: Select Admin on the sidebar

On the bottom left, select Admin.

Select Admin on the sidebar

Step Three: Select Goals under View

On the top right, select Goals.

Select Goals under View

Step Four: Add a new Goal

Select + New Goal on the top left.

Select + New Goal on the top left.

Step Five: Select your Goal Setup

Select a Template or select Custom.

Select your Goal Setup

Step Six: Complete your Goal Description

Give your goal a name and select its type.

Complete your Goal Description

Step Seven: Complete your Goal Details

In this tutorial we cover the Event Goal. Complete the Category, Action, Label and Value conditions.

Complete your Goal Details

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