How to add a shader to a box geometry in ThreeJS

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
Two flowers that represent ReactJS and ThreeJS side by side, beneath them sits the text "Shader Material in Box Geometry."<br />

A step by step guide on implementing a shader in a 3JS cube using ReactJS.

We recommend that you clone our Open Source React-Redux Starter Project, checking out the tutorial/three-js/starter branch and carrying out the steps below. The changes can be found on the tutorial/three-js/cube-shader-material branch.

git clone

Step One: Setup the Project

A screenshot of Chrome showing that the plane is now using the shader that we offer in this tutorial.

Follow the tutorial below to learn how to create a ThreeJS project that implements a shader on a plane geometry.

Step Two: Update the Code

A screenshot of VSCode showing the code that we used to display a box geometry in the scene.

Update the code to use a Box Geometry.

Step Three: Test

A screenshot of chrome showing the cube geometry and the shader material.

Run the code and confirm that the box geometry and shader looks as expected.

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