How to use GLSL shaders in ReactJS & ThreeJS

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
Two flowers that represent ReactJS and ThreeJS. Beneath them sits the text GLSL shader.

To use GLSL files in ReactJS create a ViteJS GLSL enabled project or use the raw-loader package with Webpack.

Once a ThreeJS project becomes more complex and requires a more structured approach, it is recommended that you move away from coding shaders as strings and push them towards GLSL files that mimic the code that is available on the internet.

To do this there are two approaches


The recommended approach is to create a ViteJS project that uses GLSL, ThreeJS and ReactJS.

To download our Open Source Project or to learn how we created it please consult the guide below.

Please note that this is the only way to create a structured approach as the raw-loader / webpack solution does not allow includes to be present in strings.


The other solution involves setting up Webpack to work with loaders that allow you to work with GLSL files.

To do this you have to use the two repositories below - by fusing them, you should be able to make it your own.

Please note this format does not allow you to create a structured GLSL library that allows you to include shared files.

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