Examples of Promotional Offers

Examples of Promotional Offers out in the market.
Promotional offers are recommended to be used on customers which have already used your service, but chose to cancel the subscription; but can be used as a benefit of buying another item. If the customer is new to your service we recommend offering them introductory offers or offer codes (coupons).

When a user cancels a Subscription, FuboTV offers customers to stay on the platform at a reduced fee for a period of time, after which they will be charged the full amount.
Peacock Black Friday Deal

On Black Friday, Peacock e-mailed customers in the United States that had previously left the platform and offered them the opportunity to return for $0.99 a month for the first year. After which they would be charged $4.99/month.
Apple TV+

Apple TV+ is offered for free for 6 months to customers who buy an Apple TV.
Buy One, Get One Free

Mobile providers in the United States encourage users to switch platform by offering a second smartphone, when they switch and buy a new phone.