How to make a GraphQL API call using Postman

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents GraphQL next to a flower that represents Postman. Beneath it sits the text that states 'Postman GraphQL API Call'.

A step by step tutorial on making a GraphQL call in Postman.

The following tutorial makes use of the free Pokemon API (PokeAPI), which is a free RESTful Pokémon API, that uses GraphQL to process requests. We use the GraphQL documentation provided at this link to construct a tutorial for you to learn how to make GraphQL calls using Postman.

Step One: Determine your Query

A screenshot showing you the PokeAPI GraphiQL.

Navigate to the PokeAPI GraphiQL and plug in your query and use the Explorer to create a query which will appear under the Play sign next to GraphiQL.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we have made the query available below.

Step Two: Determine the Request Headers

A screenshot showing you how to determine the request headers for a PokeAPI GraphQL call.

Select Request Headers under Post to discover the API request headers required for the call.

Step Three: Navigate to Postman

A screenshot showing you and informing you how to create a new API call.

Go to Postman, sign in and select Create New under Start with something new.

Step Four: Select HTTP Request Building Block

A screenshot showing you the modal that appears with the building block options for Postman as well as where to select HTTP Request.

In the modal that appears, select HTTP Request.

Step Five: Setup your call and headers

A screenshot showing you how to setup the GraphQL Post request as well as the headers.

As demonstrated in the image above, update your Postman HTTP request to match that of Step 2.

Step Six: Declare the body

A screenshot showing you how to input a GraphQL Call into a body in Postman.

Click on Body and select GraphQL.

Then paste in your GraphQL query under Query as gathered from the PokeAPI GraphiQL.

Step Seven: Send

A screenshot showing you how to send an API call in Postman and where the results are found.

Click Send and see the GraphQL results at the bottom of the screen.

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