How to make a Mac Catalyst App Full Screen (MacOS 12+)

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
Apple's Mac Catalyst Visual Identity (2022)

To make your Mac Catalyst App full screen, implement the code in the snippet below into your SceneDelegate.swift.

To make your Mac Catalyst App full screen, implement the code in the snippet below into your SceneDelegate.swift.

The code that is important is found between line 13 and 23.

If anyone's curious on reading the forum post where this solution was posted by tgrushka, please visit the link below.

Can a Mac Catalyst app toggle fullscreen or any other App Kit functionality, like disabling the Mac Zoom/Maximize button ?

Unfortunately these kind of solutions that are available do not function on MacOS 12+, as can be demonstrated by this Opensource Project which demonstrates that a MacOS Plugin that enables AppKit functionality functions well in MacOS 11 but not on MacOS 12. Please note that this also applies to MHD Hejazi's Dynamic Swift Package / SDK.

However, if anyone is seeking to integrate them, we recommend creating a AppKit plugin that bridges between MacOS and Mac Catalyst to enable you full access to AppKit & other MacOS specific functionality

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