Innovation and Design Thinking Processes and Models

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Learn how the Royal College of Art, Harvard, IDEO, Frog and Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design create products, services and experiences that produce a return on investment.

Design thinking is a century old practice that was popularized by Tim Brown, CEO and President of IDEO, after he published an article in the Harvard Business Review and is an iterative process centered around understanding users, challenging assumptions, refining problems with the purpose of creating innovative solutions.

This practice has inspired institutions such as MIT, the Royal College of Art, the School of Visual Arts, Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, Harvard, Frog and IDEO to create or use proprietary models or processes which have produced products, services and experiences that produce value for a target audience whilst resulting in a return on investment.

These processes often involve human centered design that synthesize research into insights, How Might We's or other outputs.

The Double Diamond Model

A design process, or innovation model taught by the Royal College of Art that enables teams to create something of value through four stages: discovery, definition, development and delivery.

IDEO's Design Thinking Process

An iterative innovation model that has six steps: frame a question, gather inspiration, generate ideas, make ideas tangible, test to learn and share the story.

Frog's Service Design Process

Frog Design's Service Design process that features three phases. Discover (Analysis becomes insights), Design (Insights become Ideas) and Deliver (Ideas become Products).

Frog Design's Service Design Process

A service design innovation model involving three parts: Discover, Design & Deliver.

Harvard's Design Thinking Innovation Model

An iterative innovation model that takes companies or individuals through four steps: Clarify, Ideate, Develop and Implement.

Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design's Listen, Build, Test, Repeat


Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) is an international hub of creative and strategic minds. CIID shares a passion for people, nature and technology, with a life-centred approach that enables companies and individuals to create impact through the design of innovative products, services and systems.

The Lean Startup: Vision, Steer & Accelerate

A diagram that illustrates the lean startups methdology - vision, steer and accelerate.

Eric Ries's The Lean Startup breaks down the process for creating value into three stages: Vision, Steer, Accelerate.

A loop that has three steps: Build, Measure and Learn. In between the steps is ideas, product, data. To the right of the loop is the book "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries.

He believes that value is best produced through an iterative loop involving Build, Measure & Learn.

Define, Clarify and Create

A visual that demonstrates a circular iterative process that goes from define, which is symbolized as a document, to clarify, which is symbolized as a geometric alignment, through creation which is symbolized as a nucleus.

delasign's process

We have leveraged our industry knowledge and paired it with our lessons from IDEO, Frog and the Royal College of Art (i.e. the Double Diamond Model) to produce our own process which enables companies and individuals to create products, services and experiences that range from the physical to the digital and everything in-between.

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