How to create a Logo

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that describes Craft with the text "Logo" beneath it.

An eight step process for crafting a logo.

We would like to thank Benjamin Critton for his education in Mark Making and the Graphic Narrative during our Founders time at the MFA Products of Design.

Step One: Create a Brand Pyramid

As a logo must represent the spirit or purpose of a brand, it is important to understand exactly what the brand is.

To achieve this, we recommend that you create a brand pyramid.

Step Two: Create 100 versions

Creativity is defined as finding the maximum number of solutions for a single outcome.

Therefore, to adequately create your potential solution, we recommend that you draw 100 versions of the logo using pencil and paper.

Step Three: Pick 10

Observe your 100 versions and pick the 10 that stand out the most.

Step Four: Create 30 versions

Make 3 iterations for each of the 10 selections.

Step Five: Pick 3

Observe your 30 versions and pick the 3 that stand out the most.

Step Six: Refine

Present the three logos and discuss them with a focus group and take notes of the findings.

Use these findings to refine the three logos.

Please note that this process may reveal that you need to start over from Step One.

Step Seven: Pick One

Pick the final direction for the logo by considering the feedback received from the focus group and the gut feeling of the creator or creative team.

Step Eight: Refine

Present and discuss the logo with a focus group and take notes of the findings.

Use these findings to refine the logo.

Please note that this process may mean you need to start over from Step One or that you need to refine the logo further.

What's important is to iterate until the logo feels right.

Looking to create a brand or rebrand an existing brand?

Consult the guide below to learn more about what it takes to create a brand or rebrand an existing one.

Looking to learn more about Branding, Design, Strategy and Innovation?

Search our blog to find educational content on branding, design, strategy and innovation.

Any Questions?

We are actively looking for feedback on how to improve this resource. Please send us a note to with any thoughts or feedback you may have.
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