How to create a Go-To-Market (GTM) Strategy

A five step process for creating a GTM strategy.
Please note that a GTM strategy should only be created once you have a product, service or experience (i.e. an initiative) that has been validated (i.e. has a product-market fit (PMF)) and has paying members of a target audience (i.e. you have successfully applied the concierge treatment.)
If you are curious to learn our process for finding a PMF, consult the link below.
Step One: Define the Target Audience
You cannot create a GTM strategy without clearly knowing who will use your product.
Gathering a deep understanding of the target audience is part of our process for finding a PMF and should be clearly represented through a set of personas.
Step Two: Define the value of the initiative
You cannot market an initiative without knowing the value that you bring to a target audience.
We recommend that you achieve this through a value proposition canvas that describes the jobs the target audience does, their pains and needs and how the initiative fulfills this demand.
Step Three: Define the strengths of the initiative
You cannot know why an initiative stands out without knowing what else is out there and how competitors either fulfill the demands or lack in their offering.
This step is often achieved through a SWOT or competitor analysis which when used in tandem with an in-depth understanding of the value of the initiative, can help you define the market size, market value and set the right price point for the initiative.
Step Four: Create an Advertising Plan
Taking the artifacts and definitions from Step One to Three, create an advertising plan that describes:
- Where you will be reaching the target audience (i.e. Social Media, Out of Home (OOH) advertising (i.e. the Subway or a bus stop) or LinkedIn).
- The language that must be used within the advertising (i.e. value, pain points and needs).
- What time of the day or year is best for the initiative to be advertised.
- How much you will spend on the advertising.
- The metrics that will be used to evaluate success.
Step Five: Define the Launch Plan
Taking all the artifacts and definitions from Step One to Four define the launch plan. This involves:
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