Git LFS Troubleshooting Guide

A list of commands that help you resolve git lfs issues.
Fetch All
To fetch all the Git LFS files, run:
git lfs fetch --all
Push All Files
To push all referenced Git LFS files, run:
git lfs push --all origin
Remove a File
To remove a file from Git LFS, run a line similar to those below:
git rm --cached "path/to/file.filetype"
Commit Files
To commit file to Git LFS, run:
git add .; git commit -m "message"
Track Files
To track a new file, run a line similar to that below:
git lfs track "path/to/file.filetype"
To track all files of a given filetype, run:
git lfs track "*.filetype"
Stop Tracking Files
To stop tracking specific files, run:
git lfs untrack "path/to/file.filetype"
To stop tracking specific filetypes, run:
git lfs untrack "*.filetype"
Uninstall Git LFS
To remove git lfs from the repo, run:
git lfs uninstall