How to create a component in Figma

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower representing Figma next to a diamond made of squares representing what the 'components' symbol is on Figma. The text "Components" sits below it.

A step by step tutorial on creating a component in Figma, through the demonstration of a menu button.

Step One: Select Frame

On the top left in Figma, select 'Region Tools' and then select 'Frame' from the pop up that appears.

On the top left, select Region Tools and then select Frame from the pop up that appears.

Step Two: Draw & size your Frame

Using your mouse or trackpad, draw a new frame in the Figma canvas. This will appear as a white rectangle. Once complete, set the frame properties from the Frame Inspector on the Design menu on the right hand side.

Draw a frame in the canvas and set its properties on the menu on the right hand side.

Step Three: Rename Frame

Double click the frame title, and change the title. In the example above we have named it 'MenuButton'.

Double click on the Frame name and rename it.

Step Four: Remove the fill

This image shows how to remove the fill, which involves navigating to the design menu on the right and selecting the '-' next to the fill color.

On the menu on the right hand, select '-' under fill to remove the frame color.

Step Five: Convert to a Figma component

To convert a frame into a Figma Component, select the diamond composed of squares found at the top, in the center of the screen.

Select the diamond composed of four squares on the center of the top bar to convert your frame into a Figma component.

Step Six: Illustrate your component

Within the component frame, add the visual you wish your component to take. Our example here shows a circle with three lines, intended to represent a hamburger menu.

Illustrate your component as you wish. Our example shows how to make a menu 'hamburger' button.

Step Seven: Copy your component

Select your frame and copy it to verify that changes to the component are seen in any element that is a copy of it.

On Mac press cmd + c and cmd + v or option + shift + drag to copy your component.

On Windows, press control + c and control + v or control + shift + drag to copy your component.

Step Eight: Change a property to verify it changes on the copy

Select your component frame and edit any of its properties in the design menu on the right hand side. You should see the copied component change in real time.

To verify that your component works as expected, alter a property in the design menu on the right. It should change in real time. In our case, we selected the frame and changed a selection color from white to maroon.

Looking to learn more about things you can do with Figma ?

We recommend the following tutorials to help you advance in your learning, or to search our blog to find educational content on learning how to use Figma.

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