Apple In-App Purchases and Subscription Development Guide

A guide for learning how Apple StoreKit 2 In-App Purchases and Subscriptions work and how to develop and test them.
The following guide is aimed at developers or business folks who are seeking to learn about the secrets behind developing apps with Apple's StoreKit 2 framework, In-App Purchases and Subscriptions.
The guide comes with a free Swift Open-Source StoreKit 2 project which replicates the design and behavior shown in our iOS E-Commerce template that's available on the Figma Community.
If you are seeking a business guide for In-App Purchases or Subscriptions, please consult the link below.
What are In-App Purchases and Subscriptions and how do I implement them ?
For a comprehensive guide about In-App Purchases and Subscriptions, please consult our guide below.
In-App Purchases and Subscriptions produce transactions which grant customers entitlements (i.e. access to products).
To learn more about transactions consult the guides below.
How do I setup StoreKit 2 in XCode and Swift ?
To learn how to setup StoreKit 2 to work with your project with a coordinator that manages all transactions and updates your app when changes occur or to make purchases, consult the guides below.
How do I make In-App Purchases and Subscriptions work internationally?
For localizing In-App Purchases or Subscriptions, please consult our guide below.
Within this guide, each tutorial for creating an In-App Purchase or Subscription demonstrates how to create a localization.
For developing localized products and prices, consult the guides below.
How do I offer restore purchases or refund purchases ?
For guides on restoring purchases or refunding purchases, consult the guides below.
How do I test all the scenarios that could occur with In-App Purchases or Subscriptions?
There is a wide range of scenarios that could occur with In-App Purchases or Subscriptions, from transactions being interrupted, to requiring to ask a parent or the bank or failing.
If you're implementing a subscription, the subscription could enter a grace period or billing retry if a payment method fails.
What other things should I consider when developing Auto-Renewable Subscriptions?
Auto-Renewable Subscriptions are the most complex e-commerce StoreKit product.
Consult the guides to learn about each scenario.
What should I consult for Auto-Renewable Introductory Offers?
Introductory Offers are a very powerful way to earn customers and operate in the way as Subscriptions.
It is important to note that custom logic must be created for customers to only have access to the offer once - if you do not do this, they will be able to cancel the subscription and access the offer indefinitely, leading to a loss in revenue.
To learn more about how to develop for them, consult our guides below.
What should I consult for Auto-Renewable Custom Offer Codes?
To learn more about how to develop custom offer codes, consult our guides below.
How can be notified of events or create best in class customer support outside of an app ?
To be able to create best-in-class customer support or systems that allow you to send marketing to customers based on events that occur in-app in real time, you must use the Apple App Store Server API and App Store Server Notifications.