How to rename an Android Studio Project
A step by step guide on renaming an Android Studio project. Open Source Kotlin Android project included.
We recommend that you clone our Open Source Kotlin Starter Project, checking out the main branch and carrying out the steps below. The changes can be found on the tutorial/basics/rename-project branch.
git clone
Please note that this tutorial renames the project from "Sample Project / samplestarterproject" to "A Sample Project / asamplestarterproject".
Step One: Rename the App Name
In Android Studio, under res > values > strings.xml change the app_name string to the name that you wish for your app to display on the Android device.
Step Two: Rename the Root Project Name
Under Gradle Scripts > settings.gradle.kts rename the to the name of your project.
Step Three: Rename the Namespace and AppId
Under Gradle Scripts > build.gradle.kts (Module :app) rename the bundleId to the namespace / applicationId of your project.
Please note that we have created a BundleId value so that it is consistent across the namespace and appId.
Step Four: Refactor Project Folders
Follow the steps below to refactor the project folders to work with the new namespace and appId.
A | Rename Folders
Under app > java right click the first folder (com.delasign.samplestarterproject) and refactor it to the same bundleId that you used in Step Three.
B | Select all directories
In the pop up that appears, select All Directories.
C | Refactor
In the pop up that appears, refactor the folders to the BundleId that you used in Step Three.
Step Five: Sync Gradle Scripts
Sync your gradle files.
Step Six: Clean & Rebuild
To make sure that the changes have gone through, clean and rebuild your project.
Step Seven: Run
Run the project on a device or simulator to make sure that everything worked out.
OPTIONAL: Update the file
If your project has removed specific files or directories from being obfuscated, you must update the bundleId of any paths within the file.
OPTIONAL: Update the App Bundle Id Constant
If you are using our Open Source project or methodology, update the kAppBundleId in the Constants.kt file to make sure that the Notifications (Intents) are sent to the right package.