How to build and find a release APK or Bundle in Android Studio

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Android Studio with the text "Build a release APK or AAB" beneath it.

A step by step guide on creating and locating a release APK or Bundle in Android Studio for testing purposes or for the Google Play Store.

Step One: Generate Signed Bundle / APK

A screenshot of Android Studio highlighting the Build menu as well as the Generate Bundle / APK menu option.

Open the Android Studio Project and select Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK...

Step Two: Select APK or AAB

A screenshot of the Generate APK window showing the options of Android App Bundle and APK. We have also highlighted the Next button.

In the window that appears, select whether you would like to generate an App Bundle (required for the Google Play Store) or an APK.

Step Three: Complete Keystore

A screenshot of the Generate Bundle / APK window showing the UI which must be filled in so that the APK is signed correctly. We have also highlighted the next button on the bottom right of the window.

Complete the Keystore information by either choosing an existing or creating a new one.

Once you're done, click Next.

Step Four: Create

A screenshot of the Generate Bundle / APK window, showing the part which allows you to select the destination folder for the APK. Highlighted is the Release folder. We have also highlighted the Create button on the bottom right.

Select the Release destination folder and click Create.

Step Five: Locate

A screenshot of the pop up that appears on the bottom right in Android Studio when a build is successful. Highlighted on the pop up is the locate link. Press it to be taken to the location of the Bundle / APK that was built.

In the pop up that appears after a successful build, click Locate.

This will open up a Finder window with the location of your Bundle / APK.

A screenshot of the location of the APK that we generated as part of this tutorial in a Finder window.

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