How to use SF Symbols in the Adobe Creative Suite

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents the Adobe Creative Suite with the text "SF Symbols" beneath it.

Copy the symbol from the SF Symbols app and make sure that the font family to SF Pro or SF Compact.

Step One: Download SF Symbols

A screenshot of Apple Developer's website showing how you can download SF Symbols.

Go to Apple's website and download the latest version of SF Symbols.

Step Two: Find the Symbol

A screenshot of SF Symbols with a highlight on the search bar on the top right and on a Symbol.

Open SF Symbols and search for the symbol.

Step Three: Copy the Symbol

A screenshot of SF Symbols highlighting how if you right click a symbol, a menu appears that allows you to copy a symbol by clicking "Copy Symbol."

Right click on the symbol and click Copy Symbol.

Step Four: Paste

A screenshot of Adobe Illustrator showing that the symbol has been pasted into the file. It does not appear as expected and instead shows a box with a cross on it.

In an app from Adobe Creative Suite, paste the Symbol.

The SF Symbol might appear invisible - this will be fixed in the next step.

Step Five: Set the Font Family

A screenshot of Adobe Illustrator showing SF symbol as expected. Highlighted on the right menu side bar is the Character section, where the font family has been set to SF Pro.

Using the Character inspector on the right menu sidebar, set the Font Family to SF Pro or SF Compact.

This will cause the symbol to appear as expected.

SF Symbols operate and can be styled in the same way as text.

Please note that SF Pro and SF Compact are Variable Fonts.

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